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Design Templates

9+ Travel ID Card Templates

9+ Travel ID Card Templates

Identification cards are important objects to have. In the line of travel, these are important for customers and people to recognize you anywhere. In the travel industry, it is vital...


15+ Travel Voucher Templates

15+ Travel Voucher Templates

The tourism and travel industry can be a cutthroat one. That is why if you want your business to prosper...

17+ College Magazine Templates in Word | Pages | PSD | Publisher

17+ College Magazine Templates in Word | Pages | PSD | Publisher

College is full of activities like academic excellence, sports participation, and various other extra-curricular activities. one way to inform the...

5+ Travel Instagram Story Templates

5+ Travel Instagram Story Templates

Instagram is a mobile application that took people's photography and design skills to the next level. This app has taken...

17+ Company Announcement Templates in PDF | XLS | DOC

17+ Company Announcement Templates in PDF | XLS | DOC

Business Announcement is an important manner in which you can make people, both inside and outside your Institution of the...

23+ Company ID Card Templates in AI | Word | Pages | PSD | Publisher

23+ Company ID Card Templates in AI | Word | Pages | PSD | Publisher

Employee’s Identity is of so much importance and in order to keep track of who is working and who isn’t...

10+ Best Medical Cover Letter Templates

10+ Best Medical Cover Letter Templates

A medical cover letter is a document which can be attached to your resume to highlight the main accomplishments in...

19+ Seminar Invitation Templates

19+ Seminar Invitation Templates

Invitations are mainly used for formality purposes regardless of how casual an event is. For seminars and other formal events...

7+ Medical Pill Bottle Label Templates

7+ Medical Pill Bottle Label Templates

By the year 2018, a new study found out that almost 55 percent of Americans are taking in prescription medicine...

10+ Program Templates

10+ Program Templates

Event apps still can't replace the joy and convenience of receiving a printed program. That is why we have crafted...

19+ Funeral Order of Service Templates in PDF | PSD | Word | TTF | TPF

19+ Funeral Order of Service Templates in PDF | PSD | Word | TTF | TPF

Make sure the events that are to be conducted at a funeral are followed smoothly without any haste, with the...

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