14+ Kitty Themed Invitation Card Designs & Templates – PSD, AI

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Cats are beautiful, sophisticated creatures that may also be quite moody at times. But just like dogs, these lovable felines make for a very good companion, and may even be better than most humans because cats are loyal and selfless. Indeed, the great thing about being an animal lover is that they will always have someone to turn to if things get very rough, and these animals never fail at providing you with comfort and love. You may also see sample invitation card templates.

kitty invitation card templates

If you love cats that much or you know someone that does, and you want to incorporate cats with the theme of an event, then we might just have the appropriate invitation format templates that will surely go along with that theme. Below is a collection of cute and artistic kitty party invitation designs and party templates that we have gathered from the internet. There are over fifteen designs here to choose from, feel free to check them out. You may also see invitation samples.

Hello Kitty Party Invitation Template

hello kitty party invitation template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 4×6 Inches, 5×7 Inches + Bleed

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Kitty Party Invitation Template

kitty party invitation template 440x570
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 4×6 Inches, 5×7 Inches + Bleed

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Kitty Party Invitation Card Template

kitty party invitation card template 440x570
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 4×6 Inches, 5×7 Inches + Bleed

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Free Kitty Party Invitation Template

free kitty party invitation template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 5×7 inches + Bleed

Free Download

Hello Kitty Party Invitation Template

free hello kitty party invitation template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 5×7 inches + Bleed

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Colorful Kitty Cats Party Invitation Template

Colorful Kitty Cats Party Invitation Template

Rustic Kitty Wedding Invitation Template

Rustic Kitty Wedding Invitation Template

People in the United States consider a black cat as bad luck. In the United Kingdom and Australia, however, black cats are considered as good luck. But regardless if you believe in this superstition or not, you will probably agree that opposites attract as evidenced by the illustration of the black and white cats on the romantic wedding invitation template above.

Black French Kitty Invitation Template

Black French Kitty Invitation Template

L’amour, amour de ma vie, and je t’aime are just some of the many French phrases that you can use for flirting purposes, and we already know that Paris is known to many as the city of love and romance.

The template above shows an illustration of a black cat in Paris with heart symbols over its head, which could possibly be for the recipient of this event invitation card.

The cat on the design may remind you of the love interest of one of Looney Tunes’ most popular characters, Pepé Le Pew. In the show, Pepé falls in love and constantly chases after a cat whom he mistakenly thinks is a skunk.

Kitty Silhouette Halloween Invitation Template

Kitty Silhouette Halloween Invitation Template

We know that Halloween is still months away, but why not get yourself prepared for it especially if you’re planning on throwing a Halloween party. The template above is perfect for making Halloween party invitations, and this one may even be able to captivate cat lovers because of its silhouette illustration of a cat.

Planning a Halloween Party

  • Of course, the first thing that you will need to do is write a guest list of the people that you want to come to the party. You may want to make it work or family exclusive, or you may also want to mix up the guests. You may also see invitation card templates.
  • With the help of a friend or friends, decide on the theme of the Halloween party. Would you want your party to be monster-themed? Or a masquerade? Whichever you end up going for, take note of it. You may also see wedding invitation cards.
  • Prepare and send out invitations to those people on your guest list. When sending out invitations, do it within two to four weeks before the date of the event to allow the invitees to check their sample schedules and see if they have any appointments on that date.
  • A few days before the party, start decorating the venue with Halloween-themed accents such as cotton wads that resemble cobwebs, rubber spiders, and fake blood. You may even want to wrap your light bulbs with colored plastic to create a spooky ambiance. You may also see free invitation cards.

Cute Kitty Cats Birthday Invitation Template

Cute Kitty Cats Birthday Invitation Template

We mentioned earlier about the attraction of opposites, and we can definitely see a clear picture of that on the event invitation template above. This template is highly versatile and can be used for various types of events, just edit the design on this template and add the necessary text, and you’re good to go.

Stock White Cat Birthday Invitation Template

Stock White Cat Birthday Invitation Template

Previously, we have seen an invitation card design that had a full-paged image of a black cat, now we have one which shows an image of a white cat with blue eyes. Just like most of the templates in this collection, this one is perfect for making girl birthday party invitations.

Superstitions about White Cats

  • Since white is considered as the symbol for innocence and purity, people in North America have said that white cats should never be placed near each other. The reason behind this is that the white kitty cat may feel threatened by the innocence and purity of the child and may end up leaving a curse on the baby. You may also see birthday invitation cards.
  • According to Russians, white cats bring good financial fortune, which is why having a white cat in your home is believed to bring money and financial success to your household. However, it is the other way around in the United Kingdom. According to them, having a white cat in the house would mean difficulties in the near future. You may also see wedding invitation card templates.
  • Also in England, white cats are believed to be long-term grudge holders unless you treat them well. If you treat a white cat with respect, they will return the favor by bringing good luck to you for the rest of the day. You may also see anniversary invitation cards.

Adorable Round Kitty Birthday Invitation Template

Adorable Round Kitty Birthday Invitation Template

Doodled Kitty Cat Party Invitation Template

Doodled Kitty Cat Party Invitation Template

White Fluffy Kitty Birthday Invitation Template

White Fluffy Kitty Birthday Invitation Template

Interesting Facts about Cats

  • According to a survey in the United States, cats are more popular than dogs as pets. There are an estimated 88 million pet cats whereas there are around 74 million pet dogs. You may also see printable invitation cards.
  • When they say cats have the ability to always land on their feet, it is true since there have been cats who were able to survive 320-meter falls because they were able to land safely on their paws. You may also see invitation cards in PSD.
  • Do you know the term used to refer to a group of cats? A clowder.
  • Throughout their entire lifespan, cats sleep around 70% of it.
  • According to another survey, being a cat owner actually reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke by 33%.
  • Though cats don’t have the taste buds for distinguishing sweetness, they do have a unique organ that allows them to “taste” the air through breathing. You may also see rustic wedding invitation cards.
  • While cats have a lower social IQ than dogs, their cerebral cortex actually has more neurons. Cats have around 300 million neurons whereas dogs have around 160 million, and this allows them to solve the more complex cognitive problem, but only if they feel like it. You may also see sample invitation templates.
  • The late United States President Abraham Lincoln had four cats with him inside the White House. In fact, he loved cats so much that when his wife Mary Todd was asked if he had any hobbies, the only response she gave was “cats”. You may also see dinner invitation templates.
  • Cats have a lot of scent glands, they have one somewhere on their tail, their forehead, chins, lips, and the bottom of their paws. Aside from just scent glands, the pads of their paws also serve as their sweat glands. You may also see business invitation cards.
  • Cats are not “afraid” of water, they just don’t like it because their coats are unable to insulate the water well enough. You may also see event invitation card designs.

Have you found what you need from the collection of kitty invitation formats that we are offering to you? We are hoping you have since these templates are indeed worth downloading.

One reason behind that is because these invitation templates were designed by highly skillful and imaginative graphic artists from all over the world, who made sure that their designs are going to be put to good use.

Quality-wise, you can already see from the images above how stunning these design templates are and you can rest assured that these have a high quality. With high resolution templates, you may be able to produce sharp prints regardless of the size of the paper or stock.

And that’s not even the best thing yet, these templates are also fully editable, and you can modify them as much as you want depending on your preferences. You may also see invitation cards.

Lastly, with regards to the costs, you will definitely be glad to know that you won’t need to spend a lot to be able to get your hands on them.

These kitty invitation templates and designs are inexpensive, with rates that are reasonable enough considering the awesome quality that you will be getting. Now do you agree with us when we say that these party invitations templates are indeed worth downloading? If you do, then download one now.

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