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Icons are the adhesive that hold the UI design and the purpose of it together. Icons should be understandable, literal and easy to locate by the users. Simplicity and gravity should be the two qualities present in all good icons. Choosing an icon simply because it is pretty while developing your website from scratch or using a template, might be the worst thing to do.
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star wars icons

7+ Star Wars Icons

When I see the name George Lucas on a movie, it’s already enough to tell me that the movie will be worth watching. George Lucas has been behind one of the best movie franchises in Hollywood—Star Wars. Though he may not be directing the more recent ones starting with The Force Awakens and the sequels following it, he is still fully involved in the production of the movies.

9 Sets of Workspace Icons

You will surely need set of icons for different themes. Who would not want a uniform set of icons for a neat and organized theme? While you might need office workspace icons, you just have to keep reading.

8+ Winter Icons Pack

Christmas and the winter season are two things that are inextricably connected. You just know that Christmas is around the corner once winter has come. Even some people living in tropical countries love the concept of winter.

9+ Set of Mouse Icons

The mouse cursor is one of those icons that are always there and are almost never noticed, and yet they shape the user experience as much as any other point of design on the screen. If you’re one of the creative tech types, you likely already tweak and customize everything your computer will allow you to modify. The mouse cursor should be no exception. Why stick with the factory-default mouse cursor (or indeed any set of icons) your operating system came with?

27+ Free Icons – PSD, AI, Vector EPS

An icon is a small graphical illustration of a program or file which, when clicked, runs or opens. They are used with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows or the Apple Mac OS, to quickly identify a type of file or program associated with the icon. You can also find Social Media Icons.